Guide to Verify Status of OWWA Membership Online

The Overseas Workers Welfare Administration (OWWA), formerly known as the Welfare and Training Fund for Overseas Workers, is a membership agency attached to the Department of Labor and Employment (DOLE). It was established in May 1977 to take care of the Overseas Filipino Workers (OFWs) and their dependents. To date, OWWA has been offering its assistance and training to member OFWs and their beneficiaries via their offices scattered in 27 different countries worldwide. 

An OWWA membership is like an OFWs’ free pass to all OWWA benefits, programs, and services, ranging from assistance during the initial phase up to the transition period (from pre-employment and employment) and the post-employment processes. This includes OWWA repatriation and reintegration programs, but also for the entrepreneurial training, educational, medical, and livelihood assistance, and loan and financial programs. However, for some reason, not all OFWs stay as active OWWA members. That said, this guide will tell you everything you need to know to verify your OWWA membership status.

Verifying Your OWWA Membership Status

There are certain perks to being an OFW. Some of them cover the support and protection that the Philippine government offers in and out of the country through various agencies and institutions they have set up.

One such agency is OWWA—a member-only government-run institution specifically created to help OFWs. While OWWA is meant to offer support and protection to all OFWs, many OWWA programs require active OWWA membership to avail of the benefits and support of the agency. That said, watching out for the validity of your membership is important if you wish to continue enjoying the protection and assistance of the agency while keeping up with the latest news and policies that they have in place. 

Active vs. Inactive OWWA Membership

Active OWWA membership refers to OWWA membership types that are still updated. This means that at the time of checking, the last OWWA membership fee payment was made within the duration of the last two years, regardless of the contract duration, employer, jobsite, or recruitment agency.  Active OWWA membership also means that there is no need to make another US$25.00 payment just yet. This also means that the OFW has access to most OWWA project, programs, and services, simply by satisfying the program’s documentary requirements.

Inactive OWWA membership, on the other hand, is the status that appears on the OWWA Membership “Information” tab if the last OWWA membership fee payment was made over two years ago. This means that the membership is no longer valid and it is high time to renew it if the OFW wishes to continue enjoying easy access to new and existing OWWA programs and services.

Benefits of Active OWWA Membership

OWWA members are entitled to an array of benefits and privileges. From Social Benefits, Education & Training, Repatriation, and Reintegration Services, OFWs are covered simply because they maintained their US$25.00-OWWA membership. On top of the regular programs, they are also entitled to some special programs.

Some available OWWA programs exclusive to OWWA members include:

  • Social Benefits
    • Disability and Dismemberment
    • Supplementary Medical Assistance (MEDplus)
    • Death & Burial
    • Welfare Assistance Program (WAP)
      • Calamity assistance 
      • Bereavement assistance 
      • Disability assistance for victims of crimes or accidents
      • Medical assistance 
      • Relief assistance 
  • Education and Training
    • Seafarers Upgrading Program (SUP)
    • Short-Term Training Programs For OFWs & Dependents
      • Skills for Employment Scholarship Program (SESP)
      • Information Technology (IT) Training Program
    • Scholarships For Dependents
      • Education for Development Scholarship Program (EDSP)
      • OFW Dependent Scholarship Program (ODSP)
      • Education and Livelihood Assistance Program for the Dependents of Deceased OFW Members (ELAP)
    • Pre-departure Orientation and Education Program (PDOEP)
      • Pre-departure Orientation Seminar (PDOS)
      • Comprehensive Pre-departure Education Program (CPDEP)
  • Repatriation
    • Repatriation Assistance Program
  • Reintegration
    • Reintegration Programs
      • Balik Pinas! Balik Hanapbuhay! Program
      • Balik Pinay! Balik Hanapbuhay! Program
      • OFW Enterprise Development and Loan Program (OFW-EDLP)
      • Sa ‘Pinas, Ikaw ang Ma’am at Sir Program (SPIM)
      • OWWA Helping the Economy Recover thru OFW Enterprise Start-ups (HEROES) Loan Program
    • Reintegration Services
      • OWWA-NRCO Central Office Assist Well
  • Other Programs and Services
    • Facilitation of single entry approach (SEnA) for Overseas Filipino Workers and/or their qualified dependent (families)
    • Issuance of accreditation for the Pre-departure Orientation Seminar (PDOS) providers

Who can Verify your OWWA Membership Status 

An OFW can verify his or her own OWWA Membership Status. Family members, eligible dependents, and even trusted representatives may do so as well, so long as they can provide the information and documentation necessary in checking for the OWWA Membership Status.

Requirements to Verify your OWWA Membership

There really isn’t much in terms of requirements when it comes to verification of OWWA memberships. The only thing that you will need to prepare would be the actual things that you will need to access the information.

For verification via the OWWA mobile app

  • Working smartphone
  • Installed OWWA Mobile App
  • OWWA Mobile App account details

For verification via the OWWA membership slip 

  • Official receipt (OR) of the latest OWWA membership fee that you paid for

For verification via the OEC or your OWWA Balik Manggagawa Slip 

  • most recent OEC number

For verification by visiting the nearest POLO-OWWA office

  • Active email address
  • Duly accomplished OFW Information Sheet
  • Printed confirmation slip of the appointment schedule with the designated POLO-OWWA Office

For verification by visiting the nearest OWWA Regional Welfare Office

  • Active email address
  • Duly accomplished OWWA Information sheet
  • Printed Appointment confirmation slip with the preferred OWWA Regional Welfare Office (RWO)

Step-by-Step OWWA Membership Status Verification Procedures

Checking the OWWA membership status can be done in different ways. To learn how, you may follow these steps listed below:

Via the OWWA Mobile App

  • Download and install the OWWA Mobile app from the Google PlayStore (if you are an android user) and via the AppStore (for iOs users).
  • Once installed, open the OWWA Mobile App and select the Login option.
    • If you have an existing account, then key in your username and password. Otherwise, click ‘Don’t have an account? Click here to sign up.’
    • Accomplish the registration form with the required information and click the Register button.
    • You should receive a notification that you have been registered. Check your login information sent via email.
  • Log into your account and go to the “Information Tab”
  • Once there, you will see the status of your OWWA membership (whether ‘Active or Inactive’) as well as the validity date of the OWWA membership.

Via the OWWA Membership Slip 

  • Check the official receipt (OR) of the OWWA membership fee that you paid for. If the date is beyond two (2) years already, it means the OWWA membership is already inactive and will need to be renewed again. Otherwise, the OWWA membership is still valid until two (2) years after the payment has been made.

Via the Overseas Employment Certification (OEC) or your OWWA Balik Manggagawa Slip 

  • Register as a new user by entering your email address and clicking the Sign Me Up button. 
  • To confirm, open your nominated email address and click on the confirmation link.
  • Log in using your username and password as a previously registered user.
  • Enter your most recent OEC number. 
  • Set an Online Appointment if no records are found.
  • If a record is discovered, update your personal information, contract particulars, and beneficiaries. 
  • Once done, you can already check on the status of your OWWA membership.

By visiting the nearest POLO-OWWA office

  • Prepare an active email address to receive the confirmation of your booking.
  • Download the information sheet from
  • Using your browser, search for the OWWA website designated in the host country where the OFW is based. 
  • Read the information and terms & conditions, then tick the box at the bottom if you agree to it. 
  • Click “Next.”
  • Select the service you need. 
  • Click “Next.” 
  • From the calendar, reserve the most convenient date and time for your visit. 
  • Click the “Next” button.
  • Key in your personal information including your name, gender, date of birth, current address (abroad), and mobile number.
  • Review the information you entered.
  • Once done, click “Save.” An on-screen notification will appear saying, “Thank you! Your appointment time has been set!”
  • Check the e-mail address you provided for the OWWA confirmation slip. 
  • Print the emailed confirmation slip and bring it with you when you visit on the day of your appointment.

By visiting the nearest OWWA Regional Welfare Office (RWO)

  • Using the browser, visit the OWWA Appointment page at
  • Download and print the OWWA Information sheet.
  • Choose your preferred OWWA RWO branch (nearest in your place) and the type of program you need.
  • From the calendar, book your preferred date and time for your preferred appointment. 
  • Choose the schedule for your visit, then click “Next.”
  • Fill out the personal information sheet with your complete name, gender, present address, e-mail address, etc. 
  • Click “Next.”
  • Double-check your information and confirm the accuracy.
  • Click on the “Submit Appointment” button.
  • Check the email address you provided for the confirmation message from OWWA. 
  • Print the confirmation slip and bring it with you on your selected appointment date.

Video: The OWWA Mobile App Registration

As far as membership status verification is concerned, the best and simplest way would be to go through the OWWA Mobile App. 

To learn how to fully maximize the use of the OWWA Mobile App, watch this video here:

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Here are some common questions and answers related to the verification of your OWWA membership status online:

1. Can I verify my OWWA membership status through the OWWA mobile app without an account?

No. To use the mobile app to verify your OWWA membership status, you will need to sign up for an account first.

2. Where can I get an Overseas Employment Certification (OEC)?

You may secure an Overseas Employment Certification (OEC) from the Department of Migrant Workers (DMW), formerly known as the Philippine Overseas Employment Agency (POEA). It is a necessary requirement that you will need to present before you can leave the country to work abroad. You will also need to show it at the immigration during your flight to prove that you’re a legal overseas worker.

3. Where can I download the OWWA Mobile App?

The OWWA App can be downloaded on your mobile phone from either Google PlayStore (for android users) or the AppStore (for iOs users).

4. Can I check my OWWA status offline while working abroad?

Yes. One of the many options for checking your OWWA membership status is by visiting any POLO-OWWA office in the country where you are currently based. You simply need to book an appointment online  first before going to the POLO-OWWA office.

5. How can I check my OWWA status offline if I’m in the Philippines?

If you do not wish to go online to check your OWWA membership status and you are currently in the Philippines, then you may visit any OWWA Regional Welfare Office (RWO) near you. Just make sure to book an appointment first to avoid having to come back again.

6. How long is the validity of an OWWA membership?

OWWA memberships are usually valid for two (2) years after the payment has been posted. You can check for the validity date either via your OEC or the OWWA Mobile App.

7. What if my OWWA membership is inactive? Can I renew it online?

Yes. There is an option to renew inactive OWWA memberships online using the OWWA mobile app.

8. How do I check on my OWWA membership status online?

There are different ways to verify your OWWA membership status, but if you want to do it online, then the most convenient way would be to do it via the OWWA Mobile App.

9. How much does the OWWA membership fee cost?

The OWWA membership fee costs Twenty-Five US Dollars (US$25.00) or its equivalent in the foreign currency where the OFW is based.


OWWA has been established for the sole purpose of protecting the rights and well-being of the OFWs and their dependents. Since it was established, it has been keeping up with its mandate to the point that numerous offices have been established in different countries worldwide. However, if you are an OFW and you wish to keep enjoying the benefits and services offered by OWWA, then it’s best to keep track of the validity of your OWWA membership and to make sure that it stays active. 

For inquiries or concerns, you may reach out to the dedicated OWWA customer service hotline, OWWA Cares.

OWWA Cares
OWWA Cares Hotline: 1348 (for Metro Manila), (02) 1348 for outside Metro Manila, 0632-1348 for those overseas / international calls
You may also reach out to the OWWA Main Office via the following contact information:

Overseas Workers Welfare Association (OWWA)
Office Address: F.B. Harrison St, Pasay, Metro Manila
Tel. No.: 8891-7601 to 24
OWWA hotline number: 1348, (02) 1348 (Regional), (+632) 1348 (International) 
OWWA Email Address:,
OWWA Facebook page:
OWWA Website:

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