Apply for OWWA Calamity Benefits

Whether natural or man-made, when calamities unexpectedly strike, it causes turmoil, stress, and even loss of property and livelihood. During disasters, seeking help from others is more frustrating, and some may feel hopeless. The Overseas Workers Welfare Administration (OWWA) is there to help Overseas Filipino Workers (OFWs) and their families, providing them with Calamity Benefits if they encounter natural and even man-made calamities, like terrorism and super typhoons.

Also Read: Apply for OWWA Death Burial Benefits

The OWWA Calamity Benefits provide OFWs and their eligible beneficiaries up to P3,000 cash aid, given they suffered from calamities. Although OWWA doesn’t offer Calamity Loan, the cash assistance can help disaster victims acquire their basic needs. It will also benefit many OFWs and their families, considering the consecutive disasters the country experience yearly.

So to learn more about OWWA Calamity Benefits, keep reading as we share the qualification, requirements, and applicant procedures.

What is OWWA Calamity Assistance?

A program launched under the Welfare Assistance Program (WAP), OWWA Calamity Assistance assists OFWs and their families who experienced natural or man-made calamities.

This OWWA program aims to provide cash assistance of up to P3,000, which the disaster victims can use to purchase necessities while they cope and recover. Do note that this program is not a Calamity Loan, which means the beneficiaries no longer have to repay the cash assistance that OWWA will grant them.


Through the Welfare Assistance Program (WAP) Calamity Assistance, OFWs and their families will receive cash assistance based on the cause of the disaster. For those affected by natural disasters, OWWA will grant the beneficiaries cash assistance worth P1,000. On the contrary, beneficiaries who encountered man-made disasters will receive cash assistance worth P3,000 maximum.

Apart from the monetary aid that the government gives to disaster victims, the OWWA Calamity Benefits will surely benefit many OFW members and their families. However, the cash assistance may also vary depending on the OFW claimant’s OWWA membership status. The stated amounts earlier apply if the claimant is an active OWWA member. If inactive, the claimant will only receive half of it, P500 for natural calamities and P1,500 for man-made disasters.


Same with other OWWA programs, the OWWA Calamity Assistance has qualification criteria that applicants should meet, including:

  • The applicant should be an active OWWA member or legal beneficiary to receive the maximum calamity aid.
  • The applicant should be an inactive OWWA member or legal beneficiary to receive half of the designated assistance amount.
  • OFW OWWA members and their families are affected by natural and man-made disasters.

Meanwhile, OWWA did not specify the calamities covered under this program. But based on the usual disasters in the country, victims of earthquakes, typhoons, heavy flooding, and landslides may qualify for cash assistance. Aside from natural calamities, this program also covers those affected by man-made disasters. For instance, if there’s terrorism, war, or arson, the victims are also covered by OWWA Calamity Benefits.


Here are the following documentary requirements that applicants should secure to avail of OWWA Calamity Benefits:

For OFW claimants:

  • 2×2 ID picture
  • Photocopy of a valid ID (if possible, a valid OWWA ID card)
  • Duly-accomplished claim form, declaring that other OFW family members have not claimed the Calamity Assistance

For the Spouse of OFWs:

  • 2×2 ID picture of the claimant
  • Photocopy of a valid ID with address
  • Duly-accomplished claim form
  • Photocopy of Marriage Contract with the OFW

For the Child of OFWs (18 years of age and above):

  • 2×2 ID picture of the claimant
  • Photocopy of valid Passport and valid ID of the OFW
  • Duly-accomplished claim form
  • Photocopy of the Child’s Birth Certificate
  • Authorization letter from the OFW

For the Guardian of the OFWs child (Below 18 years old):

  • 2×2 ID picture of the claimant
  • Photocopy of valid Passport and valid ID of the OFW
  • Duly-accomplished claim form
  • Photocopy of the Child’s Birth Certificate
  • Letter of Affidavit of the Guardians
  • Authorization letter from the OFW

For the Parent of Single/Unmarried OFWs:

  • 2×2 ID picture of the claimant
  • Photocopy of valid Passport and valid ID of the OFW
  • Duly-accomplished claim form
  • Photocopy of the OFW’s Birth Certificate

For the Sibling of Single/Unmarried OFWs:

  • 2×2 ID picture of the claimant
  • Photocopy of valid Passport and valid ID of the OFW
  • Duly-accomplished claim form
  • Photocopy of the OFW and claimant’s Birth Certificate
  • Authorization letter from the OFW

Also, note that the signature in the Authorization letter must be identical to the valid Passport and ID signatures.

How to Apply for Calamity Benefits Program from OWWA

You have two options if you need to apply for OWWA Calamity Benefits. You can apply for the program via OWWA’s Online Website and by booking an appointment with the nearest OWWA Regional Welfare Office (RWO) or POLO-OWWA office if abroad. To do so, follow the steps below:

Via OWWA Calamity Assistance Online Website

  1. For convenience, you can apply online for Calamity Assistance by visiting this link:
  2. Fill out the required details regarding the OFW.
  3. If the applicant is the OFW, click SELF and enter your name. But if the applicant is the beneficiary, select your relationship with the OFW and click Next.
  4. Tap Choose File. Then, upload the applicant’s 2×2 ID picture.
  5. Also, upload the following documentary requirements:
  6. Valid passport of the OFW
  7. Valid ID of the Beneficiary or Claimant
  8. Supporting documents that prove the applicant’s relationship to the OFW (as listed above)
  9. Next, submit your application, and wait for the confirmation note saying the Record Added Successfully.
  10. Then, wait for the OWWA evaluator to contact you and confirm your application.

Via OWWA or POLO Office

If in the Philippines, you may book an appointment at the nearest OWWA Regional Welfare Office to apply for Calamity Assistance. However, if abroad, you should book an appointment with the designated POLO-OWWA office in your host country. After booking an appointment, visit the concerned office and submit your complete documentary requirements. Wait for the evaluation of your application and follow the instructions provided by the office to claim the cash assistance if approved.


Please take note of the following reminders if you wish to apply for OWWA Calamity Benefits:

  • The Calamity Assistance under WAP only provides a cash grant to eligible beneficiaries. It’s not a loan program that OFWs and their families should repay.
  • Although this program is open to active and inactive OWWA members, the cash assistance will differ based on the OWWA membership status of the applicant.
  • The OWWA Calamity Assistance is open to OFWs and their families who are victims of natural or man-made disasters.
  • The applicant should declare that the Calamity Assistance is not yet accessed if there is more than one OFW family member.
  • Claimants who wish to apply for the Calamity Aid can apply online or on-site with OWWA RWO and POLO-OWWA offices overseas.
  • Since OWWA did not specify the calamities covered by this program, we advise the applicants to contact their office thru their Facebook page, hotline, or email for more details.


For more information on OWWA Calamity Benefits, please watch the video below:

As discussed in the video, the OWWA Calamity Assistance intends to help OFWs and their families affected by calamities in the Philippines. This program is for active OWWA members and their legal beneficiaries. The OWWA membership is also valid for two (2) years and mandatory for OFWs before they leave the country. In addition, the beneficiaries of this program will receive cash aid amounting to P1,000 to P3,000, which can help many disaster victims.

Frequently Asked Questions

How to claim Calamity Assistance from OWWA?

You may claim the OWWA Calamity Assistance under the Welfare Assistance Program (WAP) by applying online at Another way to apply for the program is to book an appointment with the nearest OWWA Regional Welfare Office (RWO). You may also process this at the POLO-OWWA office in your host country. Submit the complete documents and wait for the approval of your application. Then, follow the instructions from OWWA on how to claim the Calamity Assistance.

Who qualify for OWWA Calamity Assistance?

The OWWA Calamity Assistance is for active OWWA members and their legal beneficiaries who encountered natural or man-made disasters, like heavy flooding, earthquake, super typhoons, war, or terrorism. On the other hand, inactive OWWA members may also be avail of the Calamity Assistance. But they will only receive half of the designated cash aid amount


How much is Calamity Assistance from OWWA?

The Calamity Assistance from OWWA differs based on the OFW OWWA membership status. If the OFW is an active OWWA member, the applicant will receive P1,000 for natural calamities and P3,000 for man-made disasters. However, inactive OWWA members will only get half of the previously stated amount, P500 for natural calamities and P1,500 for man-made disasters. Thus, OFWs should keep their OWWA membership active to enjoy the maximum benefits from OWWA.


If you or your family in the Philippines are experiencing a disaster, take advantage of the OWWA Calamity Benefits. Also, don’t forget that even if you’re not in the country, your legal beneficiaries may apply for the Calamity Assistance to receive cash aid, given they meet the qualifications and requirements for application. Thus, if you need immediate help, apply for this program or share this guide with your families to claim the OWWA Calamity Benefits.

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